Letters To The Editor
Rep. Levin must support bill helping with online safety of kids
I’m a parent living in north San Diego County. It’s time for Congress to help parents protect our kids. The Kids Online Safety Act is a very straightforward bill that puts in place protections for kids online. Data shows parents badly want it. In an August poll, 76% of Republican voters and 79% of Democratic []
Surplus food should be donated, not thrown out
As a San Diego resident who cares about sustainability, I’m concerned by the amount of food waste generated by our city’s restaurants each night. I was recently at a local restaurant as it was closing and I noticed workers throwing an entire display case of food in the trash. I asked if this was []
Why can’t U.S. agencies detect incoming panga boats?
How many undetected panga boat landings, with migrants aboard, are too many? The numbers seem to be multiplying, which makes me think there are wings of the Coast Guard and Customs and Border Protection that are failing to detect or intercept the migrant landings. America has lots of tax dollars and sophisticated know-how to put []
Turner would have brought much-need change as mayor
Re Larry Turner concedes San Diego mayoral race to Mayor Todd Gloria (Nov. 13): I share the disappointment of the hundreds of thousands of Larry Turner supporters who voted for integrity and accountability. As Mr. Turner rightly noted in his concession statement, “Nearly half of this city voted for change and my hope for San []
Did term limits make maintenance less of a priority in San Diego?
Re San Diego has put off $1 billion in routine building maintenance, audit says (Nov. 9): Infrastructure isn’t sexy and term limits reward sexy. Elected officials looking for the next rung up the ladder don’t generate headlines and contributions by being responsible managers. I had a friend who’d often ask how I thought Mayor Jerry []
New law meant to make intersections safer is praised
Re Street look different? Ahead of state ban on parking near corners, San Diego paints thousands of curbs red (Nov. 8): I was overjoyed to read the front-page article on the new parking law for the curbs within 20 feet of an intersection. Pedestrians, bikes and autos have been endangered for years by having parked cars, []
Lawmakers must respond vigorously to climate threat
I voted, and along with integrity, honesty and evidence-based policy, climate change was a priority issue for me. 2024 was another in a series of hottest years measured. Disasters mount, social instability and mass migration follow. “Drill baby drill is not the answer. It is anachronistic, harmful sloganism. These companies are already heavily subsidized, have []
Police chases that put many at risk not worth it
Re Oversight board recommends SDPD pursuit policy changes (Nov. 7): Why in the world would a competent “protect and serve” (us) police chief oppose reducing police chases? It’s understandable that such chases are exciting for officers, but they are clearly dangerous to all of us. As a minimum, officers all over town should be instructed []
Ungrateful author questions motives of those helping him? Really?
Re Essay on society’s response to homelessness hits home (Nov. 4): Im surprised by the support the David Lee Condrey commentary generated. I was floored after reading it by Condreys attitude of entitlement. I think its summed up by I dont like all the help you offer because its not the right kind of help, []