Almost 100 voters packed a ballroom at the Encinitas Community Center on Saturday, Oct. 19, to learn about the 2024 ballot propositions. The League of Women Voters (LWV) North County San Diego presented a non-partisan Pro and Con at the event hosted by Del Mar-Leucadia and Carlsbad-Oceanside-Vista branches of American Association of University Women (AAUW).

LWV presenters Beth Urech and Christine Dicken discussed the facts of the ballot issues including who supports or is against each proposition and the revenue sources for each campaign, according to a news release.
Seena Trigas, an AAUW California School Board Project member and former San Diego County School Boards Association president, discussed the importance of school board elections and shared examples of how the choice of school board members can have a positive or negative impact on school districts.
This election outreach was organized by Norelynn Pion-Goureau, Diversity Equity Inclusion director of AAUW Del Mar-Leucadia Branch. For more information, visit or contact Rebecca Hill,