Every week, Rancho Santa Fe 12-year-old Alex Francois makes at least 100 sandwiches, a baggie full of carefully constructed kindness for those in need at the San Diego Rescue Mission. Participating in his own local branch of The Sandwich Project, he is working to recruit other sandwich artists at his school, R. Roger Rowe, where he attends sixth grade.
In recognition of his efforts, Alex recently received a service award from the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary Club, nominated by Rowe Principal Joe Erpelding for inspiring students and staff to come together to make a positive impact.
“Alex has taken the initiative to address food insecurity in the local community,” Erpelding said. “Aligned with the school’s newly launched Leader in Me program, which emphasizes a ‘win-win’ mindset, and the RSF Rotary’s mission of service, Alex has demonstrated exceptional leadership and compassion. By organizing and coordinating the sandwich-making efforts, he has not only provided nutritious meals to those in need but also fostered a sense of community and responsibility at R. Roger Rowe.”

The Sandwich Project originated in Atlanta, where the Francois family lived before moving to Rancho Santa Fe two years ago. It initially started during the pandemic with neighbors coming together to make sandwiches for the food insecure, particularly children who relied on school lunches as their main source of nutrition.
“It started in our neighborhood and it grew so big…they’ve made millions of sandwiches,” said Rebecca Francois, Alex’s mom, of the organization that now serves various charities and shelters. “It was just so easy to help, it grew really quickly.”
The Francois family now hopes to get the movement going locally in San Diego. Amelie Francois, Alex’s older sister and a student at The Bishop’s School, reached out to multiple charities to take the sandwiches and they have focused on San Diego Rescue Mission.
As the family helps out in the kitchen there, Rebecca said meeting people they serve and hearing their stories has really emphasized how homelessness can affect anyone, how easy it is to fall into that type of situation. She loves how the rescue mission takes people in through their shelter and residential programs and helps get them back on their feet.
For the SD Rescue Mission, Alex makes 100 sandwiches every Wednesday and invites other school families to participate, making presentations to other classes. The sandwiches are collected at their home or at the school on Thursday morning, stored in coolers. Once collected they go to the mission where they are included in packed lunches.

The sandwiches need to be high protein so Alex typically makes ham and cheese or peanut butter and jelly, closely following set guidelines for food prep and safety.
Alex’s friend Zach Clyne loves to help and comes over every Wednesday to make sandwiches, the slices of bread and fixings spread out across the kitchen countertop.
Knowing how easy The Sandwich Project is to take part in, the Francois family would love for more locals to get involved, to see it grow and make an even larger impact and potentially help other charities in addition to San Diego Rescue Mission.
“I love how making a sandwich for someone can make such a big difference to their day,” Alex said. “I also really like how we make it a fun event and we make them as a family or with friends.”
To see guidelines for sandwich making, visit thesandwichproject.org/make-sandwiches. For more information, contact Rebecca Francois at rebeccarosefrancois@gmail.com