City of La Jolla is a seed of an idea that will bear fruit
I am a local business owner who, like many of you, is incredibly fortunate and proud to call La Jolla home. The array of people, educational and cultural institutions, annual events and festivals and dynamic business environment that make up our community are as valuable as they are diverse.
The natural beauty and indescribable energy that make La Jolla magic also make it a favorite destination for visiting friends, family and tourists throughout the year. As locals, we get to enjoy these things year-round. And with that privilege comes responsibility.
All great cities require community engagement and proactive management to ensure their long-term success, even ones as blessed in resources as La Jolla. This is not lost on members of this community. We are a passionate group who understand the importance of stewardship in ensuring that this special place remains the jewel that it is for generations to come.
As residents and stewards with vested interests in the health and prosperity of our community, it’s critical that we have agency over the priorities and governance that best suit La Jolla’s specific needs. It’s also important to remain an active participant and positive contributor to the greater San Diego community as a whole. Rising tides lift all boats.
The city of La Jolla initiative will allow us to accomplish both.
So if you haven’t been made aware of or do not fully understand the benefits of this important initiative, get educated and then sign the petition. There is a fantastic online resource that outlines the details in plain language:
Talk to your friends and neighbors. Talk to your favorite local business owners. It only takes 15 seconds to endorse the initiative and keep the conversation going. If you’re not sure how you feel about it right now, sign the petition anyway!
Despite countless hours and devotion to this movement by so many dedicated people, the city of La Jolla is still just a seed of an idea. Let’s hope it takes root.
Each petition signature is like a drop of water. Make it rain, La Jolla!
Andrew Melone
La Jolla Bike Path is being taken over by e-bikes
My friend and I live in the La Jolla area and walk the La Jolla Bike Path regularly.
On Oct. 10, we experienced an incident on the path that was shocking and disturbing.

Initially an e-biker rode up behind us and jumped over a concrete barrier and nearly crashed into us by the church. As we walked north, three e-bikers rode toward us and passed us at high speed (above the bike path speed limit). We were lucky to jump out of the way at the last minute or we would have been hit.
Later, one of the same bikers rode back and passed us from behind. We again had to step aside — even pushed off the path.
One more time, another biker from the same group rode toward us and almost plowed right into us. We signaled for him to slow down.
Three La Jolla Girl Scouts craft e-bike safety presentation for children
All five bikers congregated by the bike path swing. I asked one of them where he lived because I wanted to contact his parents. He rudely responded “I live in TJ.”
We asked two girls at the congregation spot (they all knew each other), Where are you all going to school? and they responded “Bishops School.”
The boys then started to taunt us while riding past. The ringleader came up to us and made fun, calling us “old ladies,” at which point I took photos of them. You can’t take photos of us, they screamed. It was a very scary situation.
Ive heard of other people being afraid to walk the bike path because it has become too dangerous due to e-bikers driving recklessly at high speeds.
Lilo Creighton
UCSD protests over Gaza seemed to be selective outrage
Regarding the story No charges for protesters of Gaza war who were arrested in spring raid of UCSD encampment (La Jolla Light, Nov. 7):
I believe that was not a demonstration for peace but a stamp of approval for the carnage perpetrated by Hamas, which is classified as a terrorist organization.
What puzzles me is that there has not been any protest of that sort against Putin’s killing machine, Syrian dictator Assad or Chinas treatment of its Muslim minority — all get a green light.
Was I in a cave and didn’t hear such protests about the casualties of war in Iraq and Afghanistan?
Why are they singling out [Israel], the only Jewish nation on Earth?
Amir Sahimi
What’s on YOUR mind?
Letters published in the La Jolla Light express views from readers about community matters. Submissions of related photos also are welcome. Letters reflect the writers’ opinions and not necessarily those of the newspaper staff or publisher. Letters are subject to editing. To share your thoughts in this public forum, email them with your first and last names and city or neighborhood of residence to The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday for publication in the following Thursday’s paper. Letters without the writer’s name cannot be published. Letters from the same person are limited to one in a 30-day period.