Vote centers across Southern California are open for the Nov. 5 election.
In Los Angeles County, 122 vote centers opened over the weekend. Voters can either fill out a ballot or drop off their vote-by-mail ballot at the vote centers.
Map: Find a vote center in LA CountyThe centers are open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. An additional 500-plus vote centers will open this coming weekend in Los Angeles County.
Voters who missed the voter registration deadline earlier this month can complete a conditional voter registration and cast a ballot at a vote center. When the conditional voter registration is verified, the ballot will be counted and the voter can vote in future elections.
California mails an election ballot to every active registered voter a few weeks before the election. As of Oct. 28, .more than 4.2 million mail-in and early in-person votes were cast in California. More than 22.8 million mail-in ballots were sent by the states 58 county elections offices.

Oct 17
What to know about the 10 propositions on the California election ballot

Oct 22
This county has voted for the winner in the last 6 presidential elections
Whats prohibited at a vote center?
Certain activities at or near vote centers are prohibited and punishable by law. Heres a complete list from the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk.
Campaigning within 100 feet of a Vote Center or an outdoor voting site is a misdemeanor.Intimidating voters is a felony.
Interfering with an election official and their process is a felony.
Bribing in exchange for a ballot cast is a felony.
Report any suspicious activity to the Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk at 800-815-2666 option 5 or
Find your Southern California county election office
Your county elections officer is the go-to source for information on voting in the 2024 General Election. Find a link to your county office below.
Los Angeles CountyOrange County
Riverside County
San Bernardino County
Ventura County
All California county elections offices
Important Nov. 5 general election dates
Last day to register is Oct. 21Registered voters will get a vote-by-mail ballot. County elections office will begin mailing ballots by Oct. 7Ballot drop-off locations open Oct. 8. Click here for map of locations in Los Angeles County.Vote centers open for early in-person voting in all Voters Choice Act counties starting Oct. 26Election Day is Nov. 5.
Vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by Nov. 12
Important Nov. 5 general election dates
Last day to register is Oct. 21Registered voters will get a vote-by-mail ballot. County elections office will begin mailing ballots by Oct. 7Ballot drop-off locations open Oct. 8. Click here for map of locations in Los Angeles County.Vote centers open for early in-person voting in all Voters Choice Act counties starting Oct. 26Election Day is Nov. 5.
Vote-by-mail ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by Nov. 12
Find a ballot drop box
LA County also offers ballot drop boxes at the locations below.