Aliens, a T-rex, an eagle and even a few mermaids could be seen on Main Street for the Merchants Safe Trick or Treat event on Halloween.
Merchants handed out candy and other goodies to the costumed children. The annual event is sponsored by the Ramona Chamber of Commerce.

All American eagle Tucker Reese, pirate Aubri Reese and Chiquita banana Cesar Esqueda having a blast trick or treating on Main Street. (Stephanie Ogilvie)

Ramona residents and space aliens Carlos Cortes, Eunice Castro, Bella Cortes, Aalya Cortes and Asthon Vansickel participate in the annual Ramona Merchants Trick or Treat on Main event. (Stephanie Ogilvie)

Michelle Roscoe with t-rex Frankie Orozco and dad Frankie Orozco collecting candy from Ramona merchants. (Stephanie Ogilvie)

Justin Aspin and his daughter, Sadie, trick or treating down Main Street. (Stephanie Ogilvie)

Little Mermaids Miss Ramona 2nd Princess Nicole Petersen and Valentina Chavez. (Stephanie Ogilvie)

Ramona mom and daughter duo Mikayla (Ariel) and Lisa (Ursula) Van Westerhuyzen. (Stephanie Ogilvie)

Joani, April and Tim Georgeson, along with Hulk A Mania Mason, strolling through the trick or treating event on Main Street. (Stephanie Ogilvie)

Ramona Unified school board candidate Stephanie Cooter handing out candy to trick or treaters on Main Street. (Stephanie Ogilvie)
Show Caption1 of 8All American eagle Tucker Reese, pirate Aubri Reese and Chiquita banana Cesar Esqueda having a blast trick or treating on Main Street. (Stephanie Ogilvie)