Re Board must force change on SANDAG for agency to achieve goals (Nov. 8): Your editorial was on target! SANDAG CEO Hasan Ikhrata came to the agency at a very high price — excessive! He simply was not worth it. Regrettably, too many sycophantic board members complied with his agenda and wishes. I trust that the SANDAG board will now vigorously work to reform and rejuvenate the organization. It would help if board members became better informed and proactively participative, and worked conscientiously to solve the problems of our county.
The loss of Measure G is no surprise. I voted NO! The solution to many of our city and regional problems is not more money but intelligence, imagination, attention to the taxpayers and work — hard work. Those who misunderstand and are not prepared to face the challenge should step aside or find something else to do.
— Richard Castro, Clairemont