Honor Wall recognizes veterans
A Veterans Day Ceremony is set for 9:30 a.m. Nov. 16 at the Alpine Veterans Wall of Honor, in the Alpine Community Center, 1830 Alpine Blvd. The event will feature stories from veterans and their families, patriotic music and updates from groups serving local veterans, such as the nonprofit Honor Flight, Freedom Dogs and Patriot Guard. The keynote speaker will be Vietnam veteran Dan Foster, who served in the Army and is a co-founder of the Alpine Veterans Wall of Honor. The wall has plaques with the names of more than 600 local men and women who have served in the armed forces. During the dedication ceremony, 33 plaques will be added and those service members will be honored. Visit

Club kicks off its centennial celebration with flag-raising
The Womans Club of Carlsbad is turning 100 next year and kicked off its Centennial Celebration with a flag-raising ceremony at its clubhouse, 3320 Monroe St. The club, which formed in 1925, is one of the longest-running philanthropic social groups in Carlsbad. The clubs mission is to strengthen the community and enhance the lives of others through volunteer service and philanthropic endeavors. Last year, club members gave 6,035 hours of community service. The club will hold a business meeting at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 13 at the clubhouse. Community members interested in becoming members are welcome. Social hour is at 6 p.m. Visit
Womans Club runs Holiday Market
The Womans Club of Carlsbad will put on its Holiday Market from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 16 at its clubhouse, 3320 Monroe St. The market will feature handcrafted items and home decor, and gift items along with food. Also featured is a juried selection of vendors of candles, holiday decor, jewelry and soaps. Admission and parking are free. Proceeds will go to the clubs community projects. Visit
Family walk at lagoon Nov. 16
A free family walk will be at 10 a.m. Nov. 16 at the Batiquitos Lagoon led by docent Sue Irey. The event will celebrate the creepy side of nature. Participants will learn what tarantula hawks do to tarantulas, how antlions catch their dinner and what a vampire bug is. Meet at the Nature Center, 7380 Gabbiano Lane. The walk is open to ages 7 and older. Visit
Genealogy buffs discuss California history
The North San Diego County Genealogical Society will host Colin Whitney for a presentation on “Early California History and the California Pioneer Certificate Program” at 10 a.m. Nov. 12 at City of Carlsbad Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Center. Admission is free. Visit to obtain a Zoom link if you would like to attend virtually.
Veterans Day Parade at academy
The Army and Navy Academy and the Rotary Clubs of Carlsbad will host their 15th annual Veterans Day Parade from 11 a.m. to noon on Nov. 11 at the academy’s Stephen M. Bliss Stadium, 2600 Carlsbad Blvd. Highlights include a military parade, flyover of vintage war planes, a military review by the academy’s Corps of Cadets, a wreath presentation and the playing of taps. Visit
DNA genealogy buffs gather
The DNA Interest Group, sponsored by the North San Diego County Genealogical Society, will meet at 1 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Georgina Cole Library, 125O Carlsbad Village Drive. Katy Rowe-Schurwanz will give a virtual presentation called Maximize Your Maternal Research with the New Mitotree and Mito Discover.” Admission is free. Registration is not necessary if attending in person. Visit to obtain a Zoom link if you would like to attend virtually.
Holiday boutique benefits kids in need
A holiday boutique to benefit Friends of Children United Society, aka FOCUS, will be from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 16 at Coronado Cays Yacht Club, 30 Caribe Cay Blvd. There will be more than 40 booths selling clothing, food, jewelry, soaps, chocolates, cosmetics, handbags, home and holiday decor, and pet accessories. The $10 entry fee includes a Champagne cocktail, pastries and snacks while you shop. Lunch and full bar available. Proceeds help disadvantaged San Diego County children. Visit
Master gardener to give talk, Garden Like a Pro
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church will host a community lunch from 11:30 to 2 p.m. Nov. 19 featuring a presentation by master gardener Mary Friestedt on Garden Like a Pro. Friestedt, a docent at the San Diego Botanic Garden, will share her expertise working with native plants, eco-friendly pest control and growing herbs for cooking. Viewpoint Brewing Co. will provide a menu of food options. Cost is $15 for lunch. The church is at 1 Parish Lane, between 14th and 15th streets. To register, email or call 858-755-1616.
American Legion holds Veterans Day event
The American Legion Post 303 hosts a Veterans Day ceremony at 11 a.m. Nov. 11 at the flagpole by the courthouse in downtown El Cajon, near 250 E. Main St. For more information, email
Reading program at animal shelter
The Rancho Coastal Humane Society offers Happy Tales for children 6 and older to read aloud to shelter animals, such as dogs, cats and rabbits awaiting adoption. Upcoming sessions include from 11 a.m. to noon and 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. Nov. 17 and 11 a.m. to noon and 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. Dec. 14. Sessions are limited to six children. Each child must be supervised by a parent. Readers can bring their own books or borrow a book from the shelters library. The cost is $10 per child. Preregistration is required at To hold a Happy Tales session for your own small group, email
Art Night at gallery
Off Track Gallery’s free Art Night reception is from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 16 featuring the annual Holiday Small Image Show and art awards and live music. Artist Dolores Renner will show her handcrafted jewelry adorned with Swarovski crystals and gemstones. The Off Track Gallery, run by the nonprofit San Dieguito Art Guild, is in the Lumberyard Shopping Center, 937 S. Coast Highway. There will be discounts on art at the event. Visit
Ode to Joy concert at arts center
The Escondido Choral Arts Foundation will put on an Ode to Joy! concert at 7 p.m. Nov. 22 at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido, 340 N. Escondido Blvd. The program will include a part of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 to mark the 200th anniversary of the completion of the work, performed by the Center Chorale and the Pacific Coast Chorale. The program will include music from the Baroque period, including Vivaldi and Bach, and continuing to Mozart and Beethoven. There will be four guest soloists and an orchestra accompaniment. Conductors will be John Nettles and Diego Guerro. Tickets are $10-$27. Visit
Veterans Day Festival coming up
The American Legion J.B. Clark Post 149 Escondido hosts the annual Escondido VetFest on Nov. 11. Festivities will include a parade on Grand Avenue at 9 a.m. and patriotic storefront decorations. Visit
Space Night at childrens museum
San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum puts on its eighth annual Space Night from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at 320 N. Broadway. Highlights include hands-on science, technology, reading, engineering, art, and math activities themed around space exploration. Kids can learn about everything from robotics to coding and meet NASA Solar System Ambassadors. The event for ages 4-10 is presented by Hologic. Tickets are $17; $12 for museum members. Discounts are available for military and veteran families. Preregistration is required. Visit
Hospice gives free presentation
Hospice of the North Coast and Senior Service Council of Escondido host a free educational presentation by the hospices experts on end-of-life care from 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 18 at 728 N. Broadway. The topic is cybersecurity. Register at 760-480-0611 or
Grief Support Group meets this month
The Senior Service Council Escondido hosts a Grief Support Group from 1 to 2 p.m. Nov. 14 and Nov. 28 in the Oak Room, 728 N. Broadway. The group meets the second and fourth Thursdays each month. Call 760-480-0611.
Soroptimists hold Purse Plus Party
The nonprofit Soroptimist International of La Jolla holds a Purse Plus Party & Accessories Boutique from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Alta La Jolla Clubhouse, 1570 Alta La Jolla. Entry fee is $5 or donation of a nice purse. Funds benefit the Soroptimist Dream Programs for women and girls. Visit
Survival kit for heirs topic of talk
A free seminar on “Your Family Binder – Survival Kit for Your Heirs” will be offered by Sharp Grossmont Community Resource Center from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Nov. 14 at Grossmont Healthcare District Conference Center, 9001 Wakarusa St. The seminar will discuss how assets are titled, taxed and passed to heirs. Guidance will be offered in setting up a family binder, and each participant will receive a binder with templates and information. Free on-site parking is available. Register at 800-827-4277 or visit
Widows and widowers club holds meetups
The North County Widows and Widowers Club holds a social hour from 3 to 5 p.m. Nov. 20 at Tabu Sushi in San Marcos. RSVP by Nov. 16 at 760-716-9000. A dinner/dance is from 5 to 9:30 p.m. Nov. 22 at the Oceanside Elks Lodge. Cost is $22. RSVP by Nov. 13 at 760-438-5491. Visit
Art group runs virtual workshop
The North County Society of Fine Arts runs a virtual workshop from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 12 featuring John Erwin, an urban sketcher. Erwin will focus on capturing a San Diego landmark using pencil, pen, markers and watercolor. The workshop via Zoom begins with social time at 11:30 a.m., followed by the workshop from noon to 3 p.m. Cost is $50; $40 for members. Register at erwin.
Valley Arts Festival
The fourth annual Valley Arts Festival, themed Spirit Of The Valley: Kíicha Nights, Coyote Dreams, a celebration of a Luiseño Tribe, The San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indians, is from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 16 at Heritage Park, 220 Peyri Drive. The event, hosted by Studio ACE and community partners, includes traditional drumming, dance and flute music along with educational activities. Admission and parking are free. Visit
Program celebrates Samoan culture
The Oceanside Public Library runs a cultural program, “Community Connections: Honoring Samoan and Mexican Heritage at Landes.” A Visual Oceanside Legends: Samoan Elder Stories is from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 14 at the John Landes Community Center, 2855 Cedar Road. Tri-City’s Samoan Elders will share their personal histories and cultural heritage. The series, which runs through December, celebrates the diverse cultures and histories that contribute to the Landes neighborhood. Visit
Veterans center holds ceremony
The Veterans Association of North County hosts its annual Veterans Day Ceremony honoring all those who served from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Nov. 11 at the VANC Resource Center, 1617 Mission Ave. The keynote speaker will be Brig. Gen. Nick Brown, commanding general, Marine Corps Installations West-Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton. Highlights include words from retired Navy Chaplain Commander V. H. Krulak, Jr. and a performance by singer Eve Nasby. The ceremony will be followed by lunch. Admission is free. RSVP at
Quilting buffs meet Nov. 12
El Camino Quilters Guild will meet at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 12 at El Corazon Senior Center, 3302 Senior Center Drive. The speaker is Swan Sheridan, who will give a talk on “Color Theory Applied: Fabric Collecting and Usage.” Guest fee is $10. Sheridan will give a workshop on “Popped Color” Nov. 13 at the Quilt in a Day quilt shop in San Marcos. Workshop fee is $55. Visit
Interfaith Thanksgiving gathering
The Poway Interfaith Team, aka POINT, will hold its annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Nov. 21 with refreshments and socializing from 8:30 to 9 p.m. at the Community Church of Poway, 13501 Community Road. The theme is “Grateful Connections: Unexpected Friendships.” Highlights include music, speakers from various faith traditions and cultural performances. Bring canned, nonperishable food, and travel size hygiene items for the homeless. Food and financial donations will go to Interfaith Community Services in Escondido. For more information, email the Rev. Abigail Albert at
Ceremony in Veterans Park
VFW Post 7907 and the Poway Veterans Park Committee host a Veterans Day ceremony at 11 a.m. Nov. 11 at Veterans Park, 14134 Midland Road. Visit
Ceremony at Veterans Memorial
The Rancho Bernardo Veterans Memorial Association will host its annual Veterans Day Ceremony with a musical prelude from 10:45 a.m. to noon Nov. 11 at the Rancho Bernardo Veterans Memorial, Webb Park, 11666 Avena Place. Members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Gen. J.P. Holland Chapter of the Military Order of World Wars will participate along with Boy Scout Troop 685 and the Westview High School Naval Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. The keynote speaker is retired Marine Col. Daren Erickson, executive director, Marine Corps Recruit Depot – San Diego Museum Foundation. Lisa Friedrichs, retired choir director of Rancho Bernardo High School, will serve as the master of ceremonies. World War II veteran Mary Beth Doss will sing the national anthem. Bring lawn chairs or blankets. Visit
World Affairs group hosts talk
A presentation on Fertility, Age Structure and Demographic Trends in the United States From a Comparative Perspective will be led by professor Norma Ojeda of San Diego State University’s Department of Sociology at 10 a.m. Nov. 14 at the World Affairs Council North County Chapter meeting in the Remington Club retirement community, 16916 Hierba Drive. The mission of the World Affairs Council is to foster global understanding and cultivate friendships within the local and global community. Visit
Point Loma Parkinson’s Support Group meets
The Point Loma Parkinson’s Support Group will gather from 10 a.m. to noon Nov. 19 (a week earlier than usual), at Point Loma Cafe, 4865 N. Harbor Drive, to “Meet, Greet and Eat. There will be a no-host brunch and presentation on San Diegos Parkinson’s Medical Safety Program. Email to RSVP by Nov. 17.
Nonprofit holds Vision Night
The San Diego-based nonprofit Urban Youth Collaborative hosts a fundraiser, Vision Night for our City’s Youth, at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at Liberty Station in Building 177 at 2875 Dewey Road. The nonprofit includes a network of churches that support student-led faith clubs and motivational assemblies at middle and high schools in San Diego County, Mexico, Atlanta, South Carolina, Washington and Ethiopia. Event highlights include speakers and updates on the work of the Urban Youth Collaborative. Beverages start at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner and program at 6:15 p.m. Table of 10 sponsorship is $1,200; half table for six is $600. There are also online auctions and raffles. Visit
Tijuana and Tecate Railroad exhibit
The Tijuana and Tecate Railroad summer exhibit continues through Nov. 17 at the San Diego Model Railroad Museum, 1649 El Prado, in Balboa Park. The exhibit looks at the history and construction of the Tijuana and Tecate Railroad, the section of the San Diego and Arizona Eastern Railroad located across the U.S.-Mexico border. The exhibit walks visitors through the challenges John D. Spreckels faced when he funded the construction and the aftermath of the railroad in the Mexican cities the trains passed through. Visit
Veterans group honors fallen service members
The San Diego Veterans For Peace will display its Hometown Arlington West Memorial from 6:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 11 on the front lawn of the USS Midway Museum, 910 N. Harbor Drive. Chapter veterans from branches of the military will honor 300 fallen service members from Southern California who have died in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, with special memorial markers. Visit
Panel discussion on art about forest regeneration
A panel discussion on How Do We Regenerate a Forest? Thinking with the Harrisons is from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Nov. 12 at the San Diego Central Library, 330 Park Blvd. The discussion will explore artwork in the exhibit Helen & Newton Harrison: California Work at the librarys Judith Harris Art Gallery, and how the art addresses the crisis in our forests in the north and our local terrain in San Diego. Visit
Native American photo collection open for viewing
On Nov. 16, the San Diego Central Librarys Special Collections is taking a photography collection focusing on Native Americans from the archives for the public to view. Visitors can reserve up to an hour to look through the 20-volume book set and folio set of original Edward S. Curtis photographs of Native Americans, published from 1907 to 1930. Space is limited; reservations are required. The library is at 330 Park Blvd. Visit
Author gives tips on writing and publishing
New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Maberry will give a talk on Becoming a Writer from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Nov. 15 at the Carmel Valley Library, 3919 Townsgate Drive. Maberry will discuss how to write effectively and sell your work. Visit
Salute to Paws 5K and festival
Locally based nonprofit Shelter to Soldier will put on its inaugural Salute to Paws 5K and Gratitude Festival for Dogs starting at 7:30 a.m. Nov. 16 at Naval Training Center Park in Liberty Station, 2455 Cushing Road. Proceeds go to the nonprofit, which rescues dogs from local shelters and trains them to become service animals for post-9/11 veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury and sexual trauma, among other injuries. Registration opens at 7:30 a.m., followed by yoga flow at 8 a.m., the 5K at 9 a.m. and the Gratitude Festival for Dogs. The festival will feature live music, a beer and mimosa garden, pet vendors and activities that show thankfulness for dogs. There will be adoptable dogs from Labs & More Rescue on “Rescue Row.” Tickets start at $50; $25 for children, and $10 additional for your dog. All 5K registrations include access to the Gratitude Festival. Visit
Maritime Museum opens new exhibit
The Maritime Museum of San Diego opens a new exhibit, Celebrating the Sea: Exploring the Maritime Museum of San Diego’s Hidden Collections, in the Compass Gallery on the ferryboat Berkeley. The museum preserves maritime heritage and historic connections with the Pacific. The exhibit includes maritime-themed art, artifacts and ships. The exhibit runs through July. Entry to the new exhibit is included with general admission. The museum is open daily at Star of India wharf, 1492 N. Harbor Drive. Visitors can explore the floating museum of ships along the North Embarcadero and multiple below-deck exhibits with one general admission ticket. General admission self-guided tour prices for adults are $12-$24; free for children younger than 2. Visit
Upcoming blood drives
The San Diego Blood Bank will hold blood drives in the following parking lots (unless otherwise noted):
Grossmont College, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Nov. 13 at 8800 Grossmont College Drive, El Cajon. Two Jinn Inc., 1 to 3:30 p.m. Nov. 13 at 1000 Aviara Parkway, Carlsbad. Versum Materials, 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Nov. 13 at 1969 Palomar Oaks Way, Carlsbad. Albertsons, 8:30 to 11 a.m. Nov. 15 at 8920 Fletcher Parkway, La Mesa. GKN Aerospace Chem-Tronics Inc., 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 15 at 1150 W. Bradley Ave., El Cajon. VFW Post 9327, 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at 8516 N. Magnolia Ave., Santee. St. Francis Catholic Church, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 17 at 525 W. Vista Way, Vista. Fallbrook High School, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 18 at 2400 S. Stage Coach Lane, Fallbrook. The Upper Deck Co., 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 18 at 5830 El Camino Real, Carlsbad. VFW Post 1774, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Nov. 19 at 8118 University Ave., La Mesa.Donors must be 17 and older, weigh at least 114 pounds, and be in good health. Photo identification is required. To make an appointment or find more drives, call 800-469-7322 or visit Walk-ins are also welcome.
Church hosts food distributions
The Rock Church hosts free food distributions, including supplies and diapers, for the community this month and in December at the churchs campuses throughout San Diego County. The distribution begins at noon in San Marcos and 10 a.m. at El Cajon, Chula Vista and at Point Loma and lasts until supplies run out.
Here are upcoming food distributions:
Nov. 19 and Dec. 17 at 10 a.m. at Rock Church El Cajon Campus, 808 Jackman St, El Cajon. Nov. 21 at noon at Rock Church San Marcos Campus, 1370 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos. Nov. 21 and Dec. 19 at 10 a.m. at Rock Church Chula Vista Campus, 2015 Birch Road, Chula Vista (Otay Ranch Town Center). Dec. 5 at 10 a.m. at Rock Church Point Loma Campus, 2277 Rosecrans St., San Diego (in Parking Lot P by Vons).For information on receiving groceries, or to volunteer, partner with or donate to the Provisions Ministry, visit
Veterans Day at Memorial Park
The San Marcos Veterans Day Ceremony will take place at 11 a.m. Nov. 11 at Helen Bougher Memorial Park, 1243 Borden Road. The park will be adorned with red, white and blue flowers and American flags. Speakers include Mayor Rebecca Jones and Lt. Cmdr. Amy Forsythe, Navy public affairs officer. The San Marcos High School Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps cadets and Boys and Girl Scout troops will assist with the ceremony. Music will be performed by the San Elijo Middle School Jazz Band. Service members are encouraged to attend in uniform. Bring lawn chairs. Visit
Dove release for Veterans Day
The city of Solana Beach and the Solana Beach VFW Post 5431 will host a Veterans Day ceremony with a “Feathers From Heaven” doves release from 11 a.m. to noon Nov. 11 at La Colonia Community Center, 715 Valley Ave. The guest speaker will be Thomas Leonard, who served as a Navy SEAL. The Camp Pendleton Young Marines will serve as color guard, and the Santa Fe Christian School Band will perform a Military Musical Medley and other patriotic music. Highlights include the singing of the national anthem, a “Freedom Bird” song performance and Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy by the Santa Fe Christian School Dance Troupe. Visit
Patriotic concert for Veterans Day
A Veterans Tribute Concert will be presented by the Valley Center-Pauma Music Boosters, featuring Valley Center Middle and High school jazz bands and the Roaring Jaguars High School Marching Band, at 1 p.m. Nov. 11 with lunch at noon in the Valley Center High School’s Maxine Theater, 31322 Cole Grade Road. Service members are encouraged to wear their uniforms. Admission is free. The Music Boosters will sell lunch and treats, starting at noon.
Veterans Day museum display
The Valley Center History Museum has a display that pays tribute to veterans who served in the U.S. armed forces, including the Air Force, Navy, Army, Marine Corps and Women’s Army Corps. The museum at 29200 Cole Grade Road is open from noon to 4 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays. Admission is free. Call 760-749-2993 or visit
Free blood pressure checks
The Gloria McClellan Senior Center holds free blood pressure checks from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Nov. 13 in the Park Terrace Lobby, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive. The screening is hosted by Palomar College nursing students. No appointment is needed. Visit
Veterans Day ceremony
The Vista Veterans Day ceremony will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. Nov. 11 at Veterans Memorial Park, 267 S. Santa Fe Ave. There will be presentations to honor veterans, guest speakers and a salute from the Vista City Council.
Family challah baking event
A family challah baking event for the community is at 4:30 p.m. Nov. 14 at the Chabad of Oceanside/Vista, 1930 Sunset Drive. Participants can brush up their braiding and kneading skills and make challah dough to take home to bake for Shabbat. The event is in partnership with Shabbat San Diego and part of the global Shabbat Project. Advanced registration is required. Space is limited. Doors open at 4 p.m. Cost is $18 per dough. Register at
Free screening of Megan Leavey
The Gloria McClellan Senior Center runs a free screening of Megan Leavey (PG-13), a story of courage, at 1 p.m. Nov. 18 in the Park Terrace Cafe, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive. Visit
Nonprofit holds Cat Cuddle Hour
A Cat Cuddle Hour at Love Your Feral Felines is from noon to 5 p.m. Nov. 16-17 at the LYFF Adoption Center, 1929 W. Vista Way. The cage-free adoption center is open to the public on weekends for the cuddle hours. Visitors can cuddle and play with up to 30 cats and kittens for an hour. Cost is a $10 donation; $5 for children. Proceeds go to LYFF’s mission of continuing to rescue cats and animal welfare education. Walk-ins are welcome, but weekends are busy, so reservations are recommended. Visit
If your nonprofit would like to submit an event listing or photos of events that have happened recently, please email Include the name of the group, date and time of event, address, cost and contact information for readers within the email text. Event listings should be submitted about two weeks in advance. Photos should be sent as JPEGs. Include the names of those in the photos from left to right along with the photo credit and permission from the photographer to use the photo in The San Diego Union-Tribune.
For a guide to San Diego Veterans Day events, visit